Multilingual Virtual Sessions & Live in NYC

The past three months working with Agency J on two high-profile, external-facing events for Client M have been an incredible experience. The agency’s account team trusted me with client communications and ensured I had all the resources needed to succeed.

The first two months were dedicated to a virtual event that featured 60-minute content from a dozen presenters, enhanced with motion graphics throughout. This was far more complex than traditional slide presentations, but we were fortunate to collaborate closely with the client’s content lead and the agency’s graphic designers in a series of brainstorming sessions. The result was a dynamic, visually stunning presentation, with floating graphics complementing the speakers. Adding another layer of complexity, the event was live-streamed in five languages, with subtitles and native speakers introducing English-speaking presenters. That’s five hours of content (5 languages @ one hour).  I personally QC’d the Japanese translation.

Sipping coffee after the NYC event on a hotel rooftop

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Women in Machine Learning Symposium 2021

This event was the first of the three virtual events that I produced in the second half of the Year 2021. I was so excited to be a part of this important initiative for Google to recruit and promote female engineers in the AI/ML field.

Joana Carrasqueira, Developer Relations Lead for TensorFlow, and her team led the efforts. The stakeholders were able to secure 20 amazing speakers, including Google VPs and industry experts from different organizations and countries.

The promo video boosted the event registration number. It was the first shoot we did at Google Developer Studio’s brand-new studio on the Sunnyvale campus. I could not believe how much we missed high-quality recording that was hard to achieve with home rerecording. Continue reading “Women in Machine Learning Symposium 2021”

Smart Home Summit 2021

This project marked the very first event for testing a new switcher at the Sunnyvale Studio. Before the pandemic, we typically recorded speakers only at the studio and inserted graphic elements in post-production. This workflow was time-consuming because each slide needed to be synced to the script. With the new switcher, we could record three ISO’s (speaker, slide, picture-in-picture) as well as the program feed simultaneously. We basically had a rough cut by the time a speaker walked out. While it was not easy for a speaker to have everything ready at the time of a recording, this workflow cut down editorial time tremendously. The speakers (especially VP-level) who had to record at home previously also appreciated studio recording so that they do not have to worry about the technical side.

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Year in Review – 2020

2020 was certainly a memorable year.   The year started with a trip to LA for an internal conference in February; we met with everyone in Google video teams worldwide, which turned out to be my first and last trip for 2020 and the only time to see them in person for the year.

Fast forward, it is the end of December now.  First of all, I feel extremely grateful for having a full-time job.  Secondly, I was impressed by how quickly Google Developer Studio pivoted to record from home while providing camera/audio equipment to developer advocates.  Our job became writing up best practice documents about home recording, teaching software engineers how to operate production gear, and troubleshooting technical issues.  Separately, I was able to oversee the deliverables for virtual events.  It was amazing to realize that I worked very closely with 40 speakers for the past nine months.  Here is a recap of those events.

March – Google for Games Developer Summit

At the beginning of the lockdown, I remotely directed a studio shoot in Tokyo for two days.  I was lucky to be able to book an external studio that had everything (space, crew, equipment, and excellent customer service).  While I was exhausted from working double-shifts between California and Tokyo, we finished in a week from shooting to publishing, which is a speed record to date.

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