A Stint as a Video Editor

I predominantly spent my time in video editing for the months of July and August.  I don’t call myself a video editor because I know real professionals in that field.  However, I volunteered to do editing since I know the original materials and the nuance of the project better than anyone else (except for the creative director).

The assignment was to compile all the video assets of an eLearning project to a new platform.  The project was originally produced a couple of years ago, but Agency D decided to re-design their online products to be more versatile and user-friendly.  This enables subscribers to learn in a non-linear fashion, which is more appropriate for people who can’t dedicate uninterrupted time. 

Archived materials are still available, but it took a while to convert source materials because 300 short videos were touched by dozens of artists and were generated from multiple applications, including PhotoShop, Illustrator, Final Cut Pro, After Effects, PowerPoint and Storyline. There were a myriad of CODEC, pixel size, frame rate and file format.  My job was to identify the correct source files, assemble in Premiere Pro and export for consistency.  I actually had fun editing as my fond memories of the original project came back.  It was like opening old photo albums from my childhood.  It was also funny (and sad) to see my younger self in the behind the scene footage (I was slating each take). 

The new product finally launched in December.  It is definitely a great improvement in terms of user experience.  The contents are still entertaining, enlightening and beautiful.  It’s available at $395.00 for three courses (Story, Visuals, Delivery) combined.